Expert Visitor Form on the Third Sichuan Agricultural Fair and the
Chengdu International Urban Modern Agricultural Expo
Company Info Company Name: City: Post Code: Address: Tel: Fax: Email: Website: Exhibitors’ Info (The number of representatives may be enlarged) Exhibitor’s Representatives: Name: Position: Name: Position: Name: Position: Name: Position: Contact: Mobile: Products to Be Purchased Signature or Seal: Date: l Deadline by Nov. 15th, 2015 l Please clearly fill in and submit the form to the committee Expo Committee Contact Address: No. 13-19, 25F, Hongda International Plaza, No. 2, Lower Nandajie Street, Chengdu Contact: Wang Xi Tel: 86-028-86210581; Fax: 86-028-86210127 Mobile: 15008458962; Email: (Note: Please submit the form to the Expo Preparatory Office before November 15th 2015)
· Expert Visitor Form on the Third Sichuan Agricultural Fair and the Chengdu International Urban Modern Agricultural Expo.doc |
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